The Rayos Vision

Rayos Del Sol is an intentional community centered on spiritual growth and healing through nature. Guided by the four pillars, our intention is to harbor inner healing while encouraging outward expansion through group integration practices. Through the ancient wisdom carried by the four elements, we strive to find our way back to living harmoniously with nature while building stronger families and a robust support system through community activations. The medicine wheel has served as a life map for indigenous peoples for countless generations, and we have chosen to include it in the Rayos symbol to guide us and remind us how simply all things can be understood. Four elements, four seasons, four directions, four pillars…

1st Pillar: The Village

We learn and grow and support each other as we open our hearts to living and speaking truth. How can we build the world we want our children and grandchildren to live in? What tools can we find, and how finely can we tune our craft? How do we pass down the knowledge and values that will give our children and their future community the best opportunity for abundance, security, friendship, and love? We provide them with as many life experiences, as many teacher, as many opportunities to learn and grow as is possible, and instill within them the sacred knowledge that nature provides us with everything and for that we should be forever grateful. Our goal is to reestablish the family as the core of society and to build a village and community around it.







2nd Pillar: Sacred Practice

We participate in guided ceremonies led by trusted keepers of ancient wisdom and technologies and work to bring the sacred into our daily practice. Every individual harbors within them the ability to heal themselves and others. We are all carriers of medicine if we can only learn how to harness our own power. As a community we can support one another on our quest to realize our true life’s potential. As individuals, what can we do to bring sacred practices into our every day routine, and how can we expand our spiritual connection to the collective whole? A good place to start is by giving thanks and praying over our food and water before we take it in. This simple practice can change our individual frequency and provide deeper nourishment for our bodies.



Sacred Plants

Elemental Wisdom

Earth Offerings


The healers and wisdom keepers who have come to pray on this land tell us that ceremony is 50% of the work. So how can we incorporate the inner work we do into our daily lives, and infuse it into our physical being? We must first care for our vessel, the body that houses our soul, by grounding it, moving it, feeding it well, cleansing it with sweat and breath, and letting it experience the joy and wonder of being alive. By incorporating these activities into our daily practice, we can prepare our bodies to better receive the gifts and messages from the natural world and to expel that which does not serve us. Perhaps most importantly is how we can use these practices help us reclaim our individual sovereignty and provide for our community.

3rd Pillar: Embodiment







4th Pillar: Regeneration

We strive to live in harmony with mother nature and express our gratitude for all of her gifts. How can we reduce our material footprint, what can we produce ourselves, and how can we give back to the land to help it flourish? These are the questions we try to answer daily as we search for new ways to live more in alignment with the natural world. We have inherited certain responsibilities as stewards of this land, and we have a duty to pass it on to our children in the best possible condition and the best possible tools. We also owe a great debt to those who came before us, and are dedicated to the preservation of the ancient wisdom and traditions that have been carried so selflessly by the indigenous peoples of the world.


Waste Reduction

Sustainable Farming

Water Conservation

Indigenous Peoples

Land Stewardship